Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
Bert van Lee was a foreman at the Koninklijke Nederlandse Heidemaatschappij (Royal Dutch Heath Society) in North Limburg, moves to Panningen. From 1943 he helped people in hiding in and around Helden to forge personal identification cards. [1]
He also wrote exemptions for people in hiding so that they would not have to go to Germany for forced labor. [2]
Arrested during the big raid on May 17, 1944 in Helden and Sevenum. More than 50 people were arrested. Seven of them did not survive the war or died shortly afterwards, including Bert.
He was deported to Germany in August 1944. [3][4]
See the text above the list of fallen resistants of Helden for more information.
Died during the last days of the war in the catastrophe in the Lübeck Bay on the prison ship Cap Arcona. [5]
Lambert ( Bert ) van Lee is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [6]