Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
According to ARCH00347.148 the CPN’s records of their fallen members in Limburg, Albert Koenders was a store owner and was arrested for having distributed the party newspaper “De Waarheid”. [2]
According to oorlogsgravenstichting.nl, he was a miner. [6]
The municipality of Schaesberg wrote about him to the OGS (wargraves foundation):
The person in question was arrested by the German Sicherheitspolizei in Schaesberg on May 30, 1942 and initially taken to Maastricht. From there he was later transported onwards and did not return. He had communist leanings and was strongly opposed to the Germans and their measures.
His arrest was related to the preceding arrest of a certain SCHEPERS in Schaesberg. The latter had made a statement and when the Germans also found incriminating papers in his house, a total of 22 persons were arrested in Schaesberg, Nieuwenhagen and Ubach over Worms, of whom the person in question was one. [3]
According to Ad van Liempt, he was a more or less accidental reader and thus came into the focus of the Sipo. [1]
Photo: Digitaal Monument Neuengamme. [4]
He is on the Erelijst 1940-1945, roll of honor of the Dutch parliament [5]